Saturday, May 3, 2008

Cuzzin Bobby Ponchak's Wild Dried Mushroom Soup

Written under duress (caused by Ron Kunda and recipe obviously edited by him as well)

1/2 pound dried field mushrooms(not canned or fresh)
4-5 small cans sauerkraut juice
6 quarts of water
2 tsp salt
1 small onion
4 tbsp butter
(Optional) 1.5 liter of alcohol of your choice

Soak mushrooms for approx 2 hours. (Optional, not approved by Aunt Helen: Pour and consume at least 2 drinks of alcohol while waiting.) Change water. Soak for another 2 hours. Change water. Soak another 2-3 hours. (Optional, not approved by Aunt Helen: Pour and consume at least 2 more drinks.) Grind mushrooms or chop in blender or food processor. (Optional, not approved by Aunt Helen: Drink more alcohol while performing this task.) In a large cooking pot, combine the mushrooms, salt,
water and sauerkraut juice Cook for 1 hour.
Chop the onion and sautee in butter. Add to soup once it is done and stir.

Both you and the soup should be cooked at this point!
.by Bob Ponchak

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